WP4. MARVEL E2F2C distributed ubiquitous computing framework
WP4 develops the MARVEL E2F2C framework in order to fully harness, in resource-optimized and secure way, the edge (including data capturing), fog and cloud resources to effectively orchestrate and distribute computational and AI-related tasks. A major consideration towards this goal is the ability to perform a significant part of the processing at the Edge or Fog. Therefore, AI-enabled devices that can run (edge-optimised) light-weight DL models play a key role. Moreover, security and acceleration methods will be enforced at all layers so as to end up with a robust, trustworthy and fast decision support toolkit. To address these challenges, WP4 objectives are to
- offer GPU stream processing acceleration in edge devices and nodes.
- define and deploy a security strategy, including privacy-aware algorithms, at the edge.
- describe innovations performed by analogue and digital microphones that are based on MEMS technology.
- utilize the openSMILE platform for audio analysis and feature extraction.
- develop advanced visualisation techniques to support both real-time and long term decision-making.
No | Title | Leader | Type | Download link | Due Date |
D4.1 | Optimal audio-visual capturing, analysis and voice anonymization – initial version | IFAG | Demo | View and Download here | M12, Dec 31st, 2021 |
D4.2 | Security assurance and acceleration in E2F2C framework – initial version | FORTH | Demo | To be released | M18, June 30th, 2022 |
D4.3 | MARVEL’s decision-making toolkit – initial version | ZELUS | Demo | To be released | M18, June 30th, 2022 |
D4.4 | Optimal audio-visual capturing, analysis and voice anonymization | AUD | Demo | To be released | M24, Dec 31st,, 2022 |
D4.5 | Security assurance and acceleration in E2F2C framework – final version | FORTH | Demo | To be released | M30, June 30th, 2023 |
D4.6 | MARVEL’s decision-making toolkit – final version | ZELUS | Demo | To be released | M30, June 30th, 2023 |
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.