MARVEL Newsletter - Vol. 3 - Sept - Dec 2021

Multimodal Extreme Scale Data Analytics for Smart Cities Environments

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1 Year MARVEL!

It’s been already one whole year since the MARVEL project kicked off and what a year it has been! Our H2020 EU-funded project is planning to put extreme-scale audio and visual data at the service of smart cities, to improve the well being and safety of citizens. Within the first year of collaboration, our consortium partners have made a strong team, which has produced valuable results in terms of researchstakeholder engagement and public awareness regarding the MARVEL activities and finally in terms of tangible outcomes with the release of the Minimum Viable Product of the project.

1 year MARVEL

We are looking forward to the developments that will take place in 2022! We hope that you will keep on following our journey and will share your thoughts along the way in order to make us better and eventually have a final result that will benefit every smart city that will decide to adopt it. Take a look at a few of our latest highlights and make sure to follow us online if you are not already, for more immediate updates!

Latest Highlights

Our community in zenodo is full of research material!

Thanks to the research teams of our partners as well as international collaborations, MARVEL funds have resulted already in 11 papers that were presented in 9 international conferences and workshops, 3 journal publications and 1 special issue! We are so proud of our partners!

19 project deliverables have been submitted for review to the EC!

The first year of any project is traditionally very active, including set-up activities and related deliverables. However, the use of real personal data in the case of MARVEL and the strive to release the project’s MVP within a year since we began working made our first year busier than usually. 19 deliverables were completed, 7 of which are available to the public and open for feedback!

Screenshot of MARVEL's third virtual plenary

MARVEL third plenary meeting!

The latest plenary meeting of MARVEL took place on November 18-19, 2021 in a hybrid format with almost have of the partners meeting face2face in Athens Greece and the other...

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MARVEL at Bench'21 international conference!

Sponsored and organized by the International Open Benchmark Council (BenchCouncil), the Bench conference encompasses a wide range of topics in benchmarking, measurement, evaluation methods and tools. Prof. Dragana Bajovic presented the architectural blueprints for three different MARVEL use cases, as well as the initial benchmarking strategy and tools.

YouTube Marvel

MARVEL knowledge sharing sessions!

By the end of this month, 3 more deliverables will be submitted to the European Commission for review, two of which will be available to the public. Take a look at our list of deliverables list to see what’s coming up and follow our community at Zenodo for getting early access to them!


We have been blogging since the beginning of our project and so far it has led to very interesting discussions! We are happy to have an open dialogue with everyone interested in and/or influenced by MARVEL and consider the thoughts you share. We are looking forward to hearing more often from you not only about the topics we touch but also about anything around the objectives of MARVEL. See our latest blogs below:

Upcoming Events

January 25, 2022

MARVEL Benchmarking Workshop – The MARVEL consortium will gather to bootstrap the benchmarking of the solutions used in the project’s MVP, but also of the assets to be used in the project’s prototype that will be released in June 2022.

January 28, 2022

MARVEL Info Day – The MARVEL consortium will give an overview of the project and will demonstrate its Minimum Viable Product in order to collect feedback from the audience. The feedback will be used for the next release of the solution. Read more and register here.

January 31st, 2022

MARVEL Special Session paper submission – MARVEL organises a Special Session at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2022 (IJCNN-SS-1) and IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) 2022. More information can be found here.

March 22, 2022

MARVEL organizes PeRConAI – MARVEL organises a workshop on Pervasive and Resource-Constrained AI (PeRConAI)  co-located with IEEE PerCom’22 (A+ conference) in Pisa (Italy) as a hybrid event. More information can be found here.

Would you like to hear from us more often? Follow our accounts:



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Key Facts

  • Project Coordinator: Dr. Sotiris Ioannidis
  • Institution: Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)
  • E-mail: 
  • Start: 01.01.2021
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Participating Organisations: 17
  • Number of countries: 12

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.