MARV – ISC2 2022 Workshop
MARV: Multimodal and AI-Responsible data processing and deliVery in smart cities. Α Special Session at the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2022
MARV: Multimodal and AI-Responsible data processing and deliVery in smart cities. Α Special Session at the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2022
MARVEL will organize a special session entitled “The challenges of the extreme-scale multi-modal analytics applications” as part of the DataWeek2022 on May 25, 2022. The session will be conducted online, and its total duration will be 1hr 30m.
The last plenary meeting of MARVEL took place on March 21-22, 2022 in a hybrid format with many partners attending physically the meeting in Athens Greece.
Organized by TAU and ATOS, the 1st Benchmarking Workshop of MARVEL took place remotely on January 25, 2022, with more than 30 participants from the 17 organisations of the consortium.
MARVEL is organizing the “Edge-Fog-Cloud Machine Learning for Smart Cities Applications” a Special Session at the EUSIPCO 2022. The aim of this special session is to bring together and disseminate state-of-the-art research contributions that address Edge-to-fog-to-cloud (E2F2C) processing in the context of smart cities, including the analysis and design of novel algorithms and methodologies, innovative smart cities applications with E2F2C processing, and enabling technologies, etc. Please consider submitting your latest research in the topic.
The MARVEL MVP Info Day is an online event for public authorities, Traffic Managers, Law Enforcement Agencies, data scientists, engineers, architects, technical project managers and other people who are focused on smart city technologies, products and services.
On the 16th of December, the first MARVEL Advisory Board meeting was successfully conducted. The meeting was held online. Representatives from all consortium members were present along with the three Advisory Board members.
The latest plenary meeting of MARVEL took place on November 18-19, 2021 in a hybrid format with almost have of the partners meeting face2face in Athens Greece and the other half virtually.
MARVEL sponsoring the European Big Data Value Forum
The first plenary meeting of MARVEL after its kick-off took place on June 17-18, 2021 with 30 participants from the 17 organisations of the consortium.