Greenroads in MARVEL

Formed just two years ago, Greenroads Limited was established following ClimateKIC incubation. One of the founders had previously been part of a partnership, which inspired the idea of a responsible and proactive society that can enjoy clean air with fewer vehicles on the roads. The company was set up within the TAKEOFF incubator at the University of Malta, started with citizen engagement initiatives, and with the support of a number of academics, engineers, and entrepreneurs, evolved into a technology startup, that processes video feeds to help transport managers monitor and control a road network. The team started growing and the company soon found its first client. One of the many joys of being a startup and SME is that we find challenges – and support – every step of the way.
MARVEL as a transformation force
MARVEL has been transformational for our startup. It is helping us grow personally, and evolve as a business, and presents us with an opportunity to work with established industrial players, universities, and research organisations from across Europe. The MARVEL project, coming early in the history of our company, motivated the team and reinforced the trust of our first client. The science behind MARVEL is directly in line with our core product and is leading us to understand how we can develop our product offering over the coming years. In particular, in the context of MARVEL we are aiming to:
- Enhance computer-aided traffic management with multimodal data collection and analysis related to traffic flow, direction.
- Assist in short-term decision-making, e.g.: using alerts and variable message signs.
- Offer a degree of automation in long-term decision-making to study traffic flow (including its direction and behavior over time), and predict possible problems (for example accident prone crossings).
- Use automated monitoring to detect anomalous events and flag them for the attention of control room personnel.
Multimodal data-driven solutions represent a new frontier and the way forward for smart city management. MARVEL will give a preview of next-generation and city management, bringing together a variety of sensors. It will help understand how to collect data efficiently, digitise it, in a GDPR-compliant manner, and process it into meaningful information that could facilitate human decision-making. Citizens value data sovereignty; MARVEL will process data from a number of sources and only retain valuable information while removing all personal data at the first opportunity.
European Commission funding is making it possible for us to turn this vision into a reality, where Europe is not merely following trends but can be a leader and where SMEs from small countries become change makers as part of a dynamic European community.
Would you like to find out more about our work within MARVEL? And if you are an SME, would you like to hear more about the experience of participating in a multi-partner project?
Feel free to reach out using the MARVEL contact form for any comments or questions related to the above. You can also find us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Signed by: the GRN team
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.