MARVEL at the 13th Scientific Retreat of the Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
On 15-16 July 2022, the «13th Scientific Retreat» of the Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas (FORTH) took place at FORTH premises in Heraklion. The main objective of the Retreat, which is organized biennially in one of the cities hosting FORTH Institutes, was to provide the framework for scientific interactions between the research laboratories of FORTH, for oral and poster presentations of research PIs, postdocs and graduate students and discussions on interdisciplinary projects enabling exploration of synergy opportunities.
MARVEL was present at the 13th FORTH Retreat in the poster session. Eva Papadogiannaki and Despina Kopanaki from FORTH had the opportunity to present to the FORTH research community all the scientific and technical advancements of the project focusing on the components that FORTH brings into MARVEL which constitute parts of the security, privacy, and data protection and the optimized E2F2C processing and deployment subsystems. More specifically, the first component, EdgeSec VPN, aims to secure the communications of the MARVEL components that exchange data across the network. The second component, EdgeSec TEE, aims to shield the execution of applications that process sensitive user data by using Trusted Execution Environments. The third component, GPURegex, accelerates the audio captioning processing in a streaming fashion. Find out more about the FORTH assets here and their role in the MARVEL architecture here.
The MARVEL poster attracted more than 100 attendees with very interesting discussions and feedback on acceleration, security, anonymisation, MARVEL Data Corpus, ethics, etc. A short description of the MARVEL poster is available here.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.