MARVEL at the Orbit Lad webinar: Live from Behind the Walls

The Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence group at Aarhus University, led by Prof. Alexandros Iosifidis, organized a webinar presenting the current research efforts of the group. The webinar was attended by 25 participants and among the talks, it included one on “Audio-Visual Data Analysis for Smart City Environments”, given by Arian Bakhtiarnia, where the research effort of AU in MARVEL was presented.
You can read more about the webinar series here.
The recording of the session can be accessed here for everyone’s reference. We would welcome any comments or questions you may have.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.