MARVEL at the SmartCommunities Conference 2022
On Friday 10 June from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. online, the SmartCommunities Conference took place with 39 speakers, more than 350 connected participants, 7 cities involved, and 22 projects presented on three macro-themes: smart and collaborative mobility, government and data economy, physical and digital security. The event was held in Italian. Each thematic session devoted to the themes of the conference featured a keynote speech and a series of short presentations (7 minutes each) held by companies and research institutions.
Presentation by FBK
FBK presented the work done in MARVEL about privacy-preserving AI in smart cities with a presentation on “Responsible AI at the edge” outlining the effort on audio-video anonymization and data analytics at the edge, on resource-constrained platforms.
Participation of Municipality of Trento
Two round tables with cities were also held: in the first one, Catania, Genoa, Perugia and Turin talked about their experiences on “5G and emerging technologies”, and in the second one Brindisi, Trento, and Turin talked about their approach about “Security and liveability of public space”. Present in this session was Thomas Festi, who among other things spoke about the work that the Municipality of Trento is also doing in MARVEL and other related projects
Matthew Baldwin, Deputy General Director of the European Commission’s Directorate for Energy, who coordinates the EU 100 Climate Neutral Cities project, closed the proceedings.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.