MARVEL at the webinar series on Digital transformation for cities and communities

CNR, represented by Theofanis Raptis, participated in the webinar series on Digital transformation for cities and communities, focused on “Crowdsource systems: A people-led paradigm“. The webinar took place on the 2nd of November 2021 virtually and was organized by ITU.
Crowdsourcing is increasingly becoming a popular method when it comes to digital innovation and transformation. Interested stakeholders participated and contributed to the urban planning process by providing input, data and devices. This webinar discussed the underlying principles of crowdsourcing, requirements for crowdsourced systems, as well as highly innovative applications in smart cities and communities. It brought together experts to discuss the role of crowdsourcing and crowdsourced systems in the verticals of Smart Manufacturing and Digital Health. The webinar also placed a unique emphasis on the role of ITU international standards in facilitating IoT-related based crowdsourced systems in smart cities.
The webinar topic was in line with MARVEL’s objectives on investigating the expanding role of digital transformation in driving innovation, sustainable growth and inclusion, as well as responding to crisis situations in cities and communities
Theofanis Raptis, presented MARVEL project and related topics in the context of his presentations an example of research in the field, to ITU’s smart cities community. An audience of approximately 80 people were present and got a better understanding of our project research and its objectives.
The recording of the session can be accessed here for everyone’s reference. We would welcome any comments or questions you may have.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.