MARVEL at WoWMoM 2021

The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) was held online from June 7th to June 10th, 2021. The conference targets researchers and practitioners interested in all aspects of wireless, mobile, and multimedia pervasive communications. The conference technical programme focused on wireless networking technologies and their key role in future Internet scenarios. Claudio Cicconetti (IIT-CNR – Italy) was the program co-chair of the conference.
On the 9th of June, Prof. Sotiris Ioannidis (FORTH), MARVEL’s Project Coordinator moderated a panel titled “Edge is the new cloud: vision and perspectives from industry and academia“.
Ana Juan Ferrer (Atos, Spain), Dario Sabella (Intel, Germany – ETSI MEC Chairman), Prof. Tarik Taleb (Univ. Aalto & Univ. Oulu, Finland) and Prof. Yingying Chen (Rutgers University, USA) debated on this interesting topic! The experts had presented their initial positions on Edge Computing. Later, during the panel discussion, the experts had the opportunity to provide their view and debate on the following topics:
- How has edge computing changed in the past 5 years, what’s next and the sector that edge computing will impact the most.
- The most critical changes that we must make to face the future effectively
- Privacy, trust and data confidentiality in smart cities.
Would you like to watch the sessions of the conference? Check teaser videos of the sessions here and stay tuned for the full recordings!
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.