MARVEL M17 Technical Meeting
MARVEL Scientific & Technical manager (UNS) organized a purely technical meeting on 30-31 May 2022 in a hybrid format. The vast majority of the partners attended the meeting in person in Novi Sad, Serbia, while the rest attended virtually.
The meeting was organized in a different form compared to the previous meetings. It consisted of several parallel hands-on sessions where the partners had the opportunity to collaborate in groups and work on various critical technical issues towards the release of the MARVEL 1st integrated version at M18 (June 2022).
Eight (8) parallel tracks were designed for the two days covering the following areas: AI result publishing to MQTT, audio-visual data storage and visualizations, continuous support for deployments, ML model repository, MARVEL Data Corpus, data management, audio-visual data as input for AI inference, cloud resource monitoring, etc. The MARVEL Integration Board members constantly monitored all the tracks. Several round table discussions were held to sync on the issues identified and to update the overall strategy of the meeting.
The partners tried to tackle many technical challenges during the 2-day meeting and also focused on planning activities for the coming weeks.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.