MARVEL plenary meeting!

The first plenary meeting of MARVEL after its kick-off took place on June 17-18, 2021 with 30 participants from the 17 organisations of the consortium. The meeting objectives were to:
- Review progress of work achieved in WPs & Use Cases and schedule next tasks.
- Discuss open issues for the MARVEL architecture and the experimental protocol
- Finalise the KPIs (explanation & strategy)
- Discuss and finalise any pending actions for upcoming deliverables
- Discuss and reach decisions on dissemination, exploitation and standardization activities.
The meeting started with the Project Coordinator giving an overview of the project objectives, congratulating all partners for their achievements so far, especially in what has to do with their efforts on acquiring quality data for performing the project experiments but also stressing the challenges ahead requiring tight collaboration and everyone’s best efforts.
The meeting proceeded with updates regarding the Data Management Plan, Quality Assurance and Risk Management as well as Innovation Management. After that, the Use Case Leaders (providing real data for analysis and leading the MARVEL experiments) took the scene followed by Work Package Leaders. The meeting was concluded with updates on ethics deliverables and a discussion around ethics concerns and guidelines. One of the most important decisions regarding faster and value-driven progress of the meeting was the set-up of regular experiment-centered meetings which would delve in the experiment needs and enhance the collaboration among experiment leads and technology experts. Further action points were crafted and will be followed up on the next regular meetings.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.