Maximizing MARVEL's benefit for the EU citizens

MARVEL aims to empower smart city authorities to better support their citizens. It aspires the convergence of a set of technologies in the areas of AI, analytics, multimodal perception, software engineering, High-Performance Computing as part of an Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing Continuum paradigm. Through this convergence, it can support data-driven, real-time application workflows and decision making in modern cities. It will be also showcasing the potential to address societal challenges very effectively.
Benefit as many citizens as possible and the society as a whole.
MARVEL is an EU H2020 funded Research & Innovation project and as such is financed by EU citizens. Therefore, it aims to benefit the largest number of citizens possible and the fruits of our research to reach society as a whole. To achieve this, ZELUS, as the Dissemination Manager of the project and Work Package 7 Leader, is closely collaborating with the consortium partners to devise and implement a strategy to approach as many potential users as possible.
For that reason, we have launched multiple channels of dissemination and communication such as the project website and several social media accounts. Our website will be hosting key information for the project, the partners, our progress and the key outcomes of our research. For more information regarding the set-up and the design of our website, you can read our first public deliverable in the MARVEL Community at Zenodo.
Our social media accounts (Twitter and LinkedIn) are being used as a means to keep everyone up-to-date. We are sharing news not only related to our activities, but also about smart city trends in general as well as related to the technologies we are developing within the project.
We are aiming to have an open dialogue with the audiences we are trying to benefit. This is why we have also welcomed the creation of an Advisory Board, which contributes to the maximization of the project’s impact on the industry, academia and society as whole. Moreover, MARVEL’s Ethics Board makes sure that the approaches followed and the techniques developed to address the project’s challenges will not raise any ethical concerns and the privacy of the citizens is maintained.
MARVEL is also committed to regular events to address various audiences, in order to collect their input and insights on the project’s outcomes and approaches via workshops, round tables, info days, follow-up surveys etc.
Being part of an ecosystem of projects, initiatives and organizations that work on related or even the same challenges is imperative for MARVEL’s success. Joined effort contributes to better results and prevention of making the same mistakes. The consortia can then learn from each other’s activities and progress faster. They can also leverage their platforms of communication to reach bigger audiences and increase awareness around the topics they tackle.
Collaboration is key for maximizing the impact of the European citizens’ investment. It is therefore among the key objectives of the MARVEL consortium, to collaborate with projects and initiatives tackling similar challenges. We are already in close collaboration with BDVA/DAIRO, the initiative, as well as all the organizations and the consortium partners, are members of. We have also identified and started reaching out to project consortia who are dealing with related challenges and topics (e.g., Project BENEFIT) and we are welcoming anyone who would like to join the dialogue. Our goal is to make MARVEL’s outcomes as relevant as possible.
If you want to stay informed on our activities or participate in the discussion reach out to us with any of the ways you will find here. We are still at the beginning but more opportunities to connect either virtually or physically will be released in the future.
Signed by: the Zelus team
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.