The MARVEL workplan comprises four phases. It will be commenced with the Baseline Phase (M1-M8), mainly related to WP1, that will lead to several tangible and intangible assets, namely the Positioning of MARVEL activity. The Innovation Phase (M8-M18) will follow the Lean start-up methodology leading to three versions to be released, starting from a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), planned early in the project time plan (M12) which will drive the implementation of the other two releases (M18, M30), based on technologies developed in WP2-WP4.

The Experimentation phase (M18-M30) will comprise experiments in Smart Cities environments (WP6) based on the integrated E2F2C framework provided in WP5, supported by three INFO days. The output of this phase will feed the Consolidation Phase (M30-M36), focusing on fine tuning the MARVEL approach on completing its set of features and fixing any defects identified though the implementation of the previous phase’s experiments. The objective of the Consolidation Phase is to ensure the impact and exploitability of the project results (WP7) by improving the usability of the MARVEL tools and applying them beyond the context of the MARVEL project. This phase is also strongly related to WP2 that fosters the enhancement of EU Data Economy through the envisioned Data Corpus-as-a-Service, which will be developed throughout the project’s duration. The realization of the MARVEL work plan with the four phases will take place through a precise time-plan and careful planning for achieving milestones. You can see each WP in detail below.
Work Packages

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.