MARVEL Newsletter - Vol. 2 - May - Aug 2021
Multimodal Extreme Scale Data Analytics for Smart Cities Environments
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Let's make cities and the citizens' lives better!
Welcome to the second MARVEL Newsletter, the H2020 EU-funded project planning to put Extreme Scale audio and visual data at the service of smart cities, to improve the well being and safety of citizens. The end of this quarter was crucial for our project since our first Work Package was completed, signaling the beginning of the change MARVEL aims to bring in the field of smart cities. WP1 could be described as a strategic review of our objectives and approach and was intended to refine everything we planned a few months ago, to ensure that our solution is still relevant and in line with recent technological and social evolution. Few outcomes that will be released in the upcoming days include the MARVEL Edge-to-Fog-to-Cloud architecture and the experimental protocol, that presents the real-life societal trial cases in the smart cities of Malta, Trento, and Novi Sad.
Our consortium, consisting of 17 Partners, worked hard to have everything in place and defined for the research to start and for the experiments to be ready to be performed. In the meantime, we have already started spreading awareness regarding our project and our objectives, collecting feedback and ideas from the market and the experts in the field but also from the citizens themselves using our social media platforms. Take a look on a few of the highlights of these last 4 months and make sure follow us online if you are not already, for more immediate updates!
Highlights of last 4 months

Our second scientific publication!
The paper “Improving the Accuracy of Early Exits in Multi-Exit Architectures via Curriculum Learning” was presented at the IJCNN 2021 by the Aarhus University team.

Collection & Analysis of Experimental Data!
MARVEL’s first public deliverable related to the project website development is available at Zenodo.
MARVEL at the annual co-design appointment of the “Smart Region”, organized by Veneto
On the 7th of May, 2021, the Head of "Smart city" Office in the Municipality of Trento attended the "Smart Region 2021" and gave a presentation on: "Trento Smart City:...
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MARVEL at Data Week 2021!
MARVEL participated in two of the workshops of the Data Week 2021, the spring gathering of the European Big Data Value and Industrial AI research and innovation community. The material we share in one of the workshops is available in Zenodo.
IEEE WoWMoM 2021 Panel Edge is the new cloud: vision and perspectives from industry and academia
Edge computing is one of the key pillar technologies of...
Read MoreMARVEL at Forum PA 2021
The Forum PA was held online from June 21st to...
Read MoreMARVEL at AI nella sicurezza urbana a Trento
The event was focused on urban security and a targeted...
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MARVEL at Data Week 2021!
By the end of this month, 3 more deliverables will be submitted to the European Commission for review, two of which will be available to the public. Take a look at our list of deliverables list to see what’s coming up and follow our community at Zenodo for getting early access to them!
We have been blogging since the beginning of our project and so far it has led to very interesting discussions! We are happy to have an open dialogue with everyone interested in and/or influenced by MARVEL and consider the thoughts you share. We are looking forward to hearing more often from you not only about the topics we touch, but also about anything around the objectives of MARVEL. See our latest blogs below:
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics in EU-funded Projects
On the EU level, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perceived as...
Read MoreSmart Region: The case of Trento
With its 120,000 inhabitants, Trento is the third-largest city located...
Read MoreSmart events: Observation of crowd behavior in the city of Novi Sad
Novi Sad is the 2nd largest city in Serbia and...
Read MoreAutomated social distance estimation in smart cities using deep learning
It is without a doubt that current technologies can greatly...
Read MoreGreenroads in MARVEL
MARVEL has been transformational for our startup. It is helping...
Read MoreEthics Advisory Board in Horizon Europe: Functions and Role
There are various approaches to ethical issues. While some of...
Read MoreUpcoming Events
August 30-September 3, 2021
MARVEL @ INTERSPEECH 2021 – MARVEL will be represented by at least one partner at the international conference in Brno, Czech Republic. Tampere University will present the scientific paper: “Automatic Analysis of the Emotional Content of Speech in Daylong Child-Centered Recordings from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit”.
September 20-22, 2021
MARVEL @ BalcanCom2021 – MARVEL will participate in the Fourth International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking, taking place in Novi Sad, Serbia. We will be presenting the project’s paper: “MARVEL: Multimodal Extreme Scale Data Analytics for Smart Cities Environments”.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.